
Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It is difficult to be separated from our oldest daughter, especially in this time of her life where she is having such a major milestone that we cannot be present for.  With two kids in school and the family dog, packing up and driving to MN is too difficult.  The kids cannot miss their final days at school, and there is nobody here that they can stay with.  I live with his guilt daily.

I don't miss our house in Minnesota.  Is it horrible to say that?  The house itself is not what made the memories there.  It was the family in it.

Chad is actually back "home" in Minnesota right now.  He is feeling the same feelings - he drives the familiar routes on the familiar streets, but to him, "home" is where the family is.  Even though our extended family and Courtney are there, home is here, in Texas.

How did I get so lucky?

Unfortunately, many of my communications with family and friends is now through facebook.  I enjoy seeing status updates of what is going on in people's lives, but I also feel isolated.  I have had it explained to me that people aren't intentionally ignoring us, but that it's more of an out of sight/out of mind phenomenon. We knew that this was going to be starting over - a new life, a new opportunity.  However, I was naïve about some things, too.  This is definitely a learning experience.  I wouldn't change a thing, though.  This was meant to happen, and it is supposed to be.  I truly feel that way.

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